6 Min Home Leg Workout | No Jumping

Jose Lardizabal

Over time you must have noticed the good amount of leg exercises (and primarily bodyweight movements) that deal with a lot of jumping. No matter what reason it may be, there are those with the unfortunate circumstance of finding these types of movements to be nigh impossible without pain or discomfort. If you have experience with this sort of situation and often think to yourself “how am I going to manage this leg routine with all this stress?” well fret no longer. Follow along with Chris Heria for a 6 Min Home Leg Workout. Avoiding any form of jumping, this workout takes advantage of all low impact exercises to help engage the muscles that make up your legs. 

While there are a multitude of jumping-based/high impact exercises to choose from (all with their own unique benefits) plenty of people are often limited due to a past injury or lack of proper strength. That’s where this workout comes into play, utilizing 6 low impact exercises, avoiding putting such a strain on your body while still calling for a proper stimulus. Low impact exercises bring to the table their own slew of benefits as they require a constant form of engagement- and therefore stability- to be implemented. Conditioning your joints to have such a prolonged level of stability will help in the long run and carryover to many day to day movements. Low impact-type exercises have a low level of clearance so those of any fitness level or age group can follow along!

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