100 Pull Up Back Workout

On this week's Thenx video, Chris Heria shows us how to get a bigger and better back! He shows us how it's done and subsequently teaches us how to easily execute 100 repetitions of pull-ups. Although 100 sounds a bit daunting, don't let this goal intimidate you. Chris meticulously curated this workout to be accessible to all you, Thenx athletes, and even walks us through the process and breaks this workout down into bite-sized pieces that are achievable.

This routine is designed for all workout levels, ranging from beginners to advanced athletes and will leave you feeling accomplished. It will help you build some serious muscle and strength and includes three different variants of pull-ups that correspond to difficulty level. This broads the scope of the workout and affords for more variability. This workout can be found on the Heria Pro app, so makes sure to download the app and follow along for an easier workout flow!




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  • Bruce

    Chris, how many times per week should one aim to do the 100-pullup workout? Thanks.

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